those fixed and outstanding.
Ratio of test cases automated: to be automated.
0 Percentage of test cases identified as regression tests.
Planned elapsed time versus actual elapsed time.
[7] Percentage of test conditions covered by test cases.
Total test time planned against effective test time carried out. [7] Number of defects found during test analysis and design.
O Percentage of test cases checked into re-usable test case repository.
O Risks identified broken down by those mitigated by the test activity and any left outstanding.
O Percentage of work products identified and archived.
□ Number of test conditions, test cases or test specifications planned and those executed broken down by whetherthey passed or failed.
O Percentage of test environments configured.
□ Percentage of outstanding defect reports closed off (e.g. deferred, no further action, change request, etc.).
□ Percentage of test data records loaded.
Risk and test coverage.
Defect discovery and information.
Planned versus actual hours to develop testware and execute test cases.
Percentage of test conditions and cases executed.
□ Number of changes (change requests) raised, accepted (built) and tested.