The second wave of Germanie invasions in Great Britain
In the 8th century Britain experienced another wave of Germanie invasions. These invaders, known asVikings, Norsemen or Danes, came from Scandinavia (they were tempted by Britain's wealth). Vikings attacked and sometimes settled along the coasts of northern and western Europę from
the 8th to the 10th century. They are known for their skill in building ships and their sense of adventure. In pictures they are usually shown wearing helmets with horns on them.
The "Danelaw" - inhibited by the Vikings.
- In the ninth century they conquered and settled the extreme north and west of Scotland, and also Coastal regions of Ireland. Their conquest was halted when they were defeated by King Alfred of the Saxon Kingdom of Wessex. This resulted in an agreement which divided England between Wessex (Alfred was recognized as King ), in the south and west and the 'Danelaw' in the north and east.
- King Alfred was not only an able warrior but also a dedicated scholar and a wise ruler. He is known as Alfred the Great - the only monarch in English history to be given this title.