-    Word order - used in analytic languages, e.g. English John loves Mory is not the same as Mary loves John

-    Inflections (grammatical morphemes), nsed in synthetic languages, such as Polish. Janek kocha Marysię (iuimarked=neutral) is basically the same as Marysię kocha Janek (marked=emphatic)

In Polish we have case endings, for Nominative it can be O, as in kot-O and for the Accusative in feminine gender it can be -ę, as in łapę.

Stress - can bring about the change of grammatical category, e.g. ‘permit (noun) versns per’mit (verb)

Intonation - it is possible to change the sentence type (from declarative to interrogative) by means of clianging the intonation patteni of a sentence, e.g. Got some time today./? (infml) Pójdziemy do kina./?


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