SIndies and Materials in Applied Computer Science, l ol. 2, No. 2, 2010
Submitted Articles:
A Discussion on Selected Problems of Lossless Binary Digital Images Compression
Dariusz Frejlichowski, Patrycja Nuszkiewicz...........................................................................15
Non-Intrusive Assessment Approach And Improving Security of Computer Systems Based on DISA Standards
Marcin Kołodziejczyk....................................................................................................................23
Determination of Zones Due to Influence of Magnetic Field in Surgeries Using Magnetotherapy’s Instruments
Wojciech Kraszewski, Mikołaj Skowron, Przemysław Syrek.................................................31
Data Mining Review and Use’s Classification, Methods and Techniąues
Marcin Mirończuk..........................................................................................................................35
Bees Algorithm in Optimization of Task Scheduling for FIow Shop Model
Wiesław Popielarski.......................................................................................................................47
Shredder Multishield Structure Design With the Use of Genetic Algorithms
Roksana Rama..................................................................................................................................51
Fast Discrete Sine Transform
Robert Rychcicki.............................................................................................................................55
Tabu Search Algorithms for Timetabling Optimization
Eliza Witczak...................................................................................................................................59
A Discussion on Selected Problems of Lossless Binary Digital Images Compression
Urszula Wójcik, Dariusz Frejlichowski......................................................................................67
Cali for Papers.......................................................................................................................................75
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