Stanisław Hławiczka i in.
concentrations measured in the designated air monitoring stations located in the municipalities covered by the Project. Modeling of PM concentrations was performed using the CALPUFF model. This model took into account the changing ofambient air temperaturę. Temperaturę of 21 °C was adopted as the level of com fort. As a result of modeling of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations, as a result of emissions from residential heating processes, there was PM conc. database incorporating separately each emission area within the municipalities covered by the Project considering each of480 days in the heating periods ofyears 2006 and 2007.
The results of modeling 24-hour PM10 concentrations were compared with the results of measurements carried out in air monitoring stations. This allowed to assess the contribu-tions of the calculated concentrations (taking into account only emissions from residential heating) in the total concentration of PM10 in the area. This kind of comparative analysis was performed for 33 emission areas where air pollution monitoring stations were installed. These shares were as follows: in Lower Silesia were in the rangę from 6% to 48%, in the region of Opole Province from 12% to 36% and in the Province of Silesia from 18% to 49%. The results of modeling the 24-hour concentrations of particulate matter in terms of fre-quency exceeding the permissible daily concentration of PM10 were also examined. It was found that within the analyzed area (241 municipalities) there were 49 municipalities experi-enced situations in which the modeled PM10 concentrations exceeded the permissible daily PM10 concentration limit at least 10 times per year. At the same time in 15 municipalities, within this group of 49 municipalities, modeled daily PMIOlimit value were exceeded morę than 35 times per year. In one ofthe municipalities (Nowa Ruda) number ofthe exceedanc-es amounted to 115 times, and over one third ofthe exceedances (45 exceedances) were alone caused by the PM10 concentration component generated by the pollutant emissions from heating processes in residential sector.
Przedstawiany artykuł jest kontynuacją pracy dotyczącej metodycznych aspektów dokonywania ocen zanieczyszczenia powietrza pyłem zawieszonym, w podziale na frakcje PM10 i PM2,5, emitowanym ze źródeł ciepła małej mocy, w których są prowadzone procesy spalania paliw na potrzeby ogrzewania mieszkań. Część rezultatów uzyskanych w projekcie badawczym „Polepszenie jakości powietrza w rejonie przygranicznym Czechy - Polska” [Polepszenie... 2008] zaprezentowano w artykule opublikowanym wcześniej [Hławiczka i in. 2011], w którym opisano obszar objęty badaniami i przedstawiono zagadnienia metodyczne, dotyczące wyznaczania emisji pyłu z tego typu źródeł, mających charakter źródeł obszarowych, często silnie rozproszonych. Zaproponowane tam podejście metodyczne umożliwiło wskazanie z dużą dokładnością lokalizacji obszarów emisji pyłu w obrębie rozpatrywanych gmin, znajdujących się w obszarze objętym analizami, tj. w regionie przygranicznym województw: śląskiego, opolskiego i dolnośląskiego. W przywołanej wyżej pracy analizą objęto 241 gmin. Oryginalnym rozwią-