Editor’s notę................................. 8
Paweł Kalinowski, Katarzyna Mirosław
Prevalence of alimentary allergy among patients in pediatrie allergology department.......... 9
Dorota Rogala, Małgorzata Dylewska, Aleksandra Harat
Care for pregnant women in the public and private health care system.............. 13
Renata Rasińska, Iwona Nowakowska, Jan Nowomiejski
The social campaigns as symptom of educational activities.................. 20
Iwona Nowakowska, Renata Rasińska
The relationship between selected socio-demographic factors
and professional burnout among nurses........................ 26
Julita Wojciechowska
Family food environment as an important factor for forming eating habits
in children and youth.............................. 34
Iwona Robaczewska, Małgorzata Filanowicz, Bernadeta Cegła
Nursing actions based on the use of specialized dressings saving a diabetic foot........... 41
Anna Galęba, Beata Bajurna
Dermatophytosis of the scalp........................... 49
Paulina Perska, Piotr Stępniak
The convict's health and functioning in prison...................... 54
Piotr Stępniak
Uwagi o europejskich przysądowych instytucjach opieki zdrowotnej............... 59
Dobrochna Mruk-Tomczak
Forms of tourism and their associations with health.................... 66
Iwona Nowakowska
Mohammad Rastegari, Ali Khani, Parvin Ghalriz, Jelil Eslamian: Evaluation of quality of working life and its association with job performance of the nurses, Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery
Research 2010,15 (4), 224-228 .......................... 72
Renata Rasińska
Tiffany Kelley. Opportunities for nurses in the era of electronic health records, Open Journal
of Nursing 2014,4,15-17............................ 73
INFORMATIONS.............................. 74