
Michał Kowalski


- rak

multiple - liczne

preclinical - przedkliniczny (przed wystąpieniem choroby) tumor - nowotwór innate - wrodzony

immune response - odpowiedź immunologiczna

immune celi - komórka odpornościowa (leukocyt)

metastasis - przerzut evade - uniknąć suryeillance - obserwacja yaccine - szczepionka

tumor-specific - dla określonego rodzaju nowotworu

burden - ciężar (waga)

tipping - przechylanie

protumor - pro rakowe (inicjujące rozwój


antitumor - przeciwnowotworowe goyern - kontrolować

Polish your English in Biotechnology

Today: Vaccines against Carcinomas and activated sludge

Vaccines against Humań Carcinomas: Strategies to lmprove An-titumor Immune Responses*

Claudia Palena and Jeffrey Schlom

Multiple observations in preclinical and clinical studies support a role for the immune system in controlling tumor growth and progression. Various compo-nents of the innate and adaptive immune response are able to mediate tumor celi destruction; however, certain immune celi populations can also induce a protumor environment that favors tumor growth and the development of metastasis. Moreover, tumor cells themselves are equipped with various me-chanisms that allow them to evade suryeillance by the immune system. The goal of cancer yaccines is to induce a tumor-specific immune response that ultimately will reduce tumor burden by tipping the balance from a protumor to an antitumor immune environment. This review discusses common mecha-nisms that govern immune celi activation and tumor immune escape, and some of the current strategies employed in the field of cancer yaccines aimed at enhancing activation of tumor-specific T-cells with concurrent reduction of immunosuppression.

Pełny tekst dostępny: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2840411/

•Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2010:2010:380697, Epub 2010 Mar 16

Aerobic composting - kompostowanie tlenowe

Actiyated sludge - osad czynnny Manure - nawóz lnexpensive - niedrogi

Thickened - zagęszczony Dewatered- odwodniony Undigested - niestrawiony To apply-zastosować Handling- obsługa Residue - pozostałość Incrasing - wzrastający, rosnący Qualitative - jakościowy Quantitative - ilościowy Design - projekt To require - wymagać Waste - odpad(y)

Aerobic acomposting of waste actiyated sludge: Kinetic analysis for microbiological reaction and oxygen consumption

Y. Yamada, Y. Kawase *

Research Center for Biochemical and Environmental Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry, Toyo University, Kawagoe, Saitama, Japan 350-8585

Aerobic composting, which is the decomposition of manure or other organie ma-terials in thae presence of oxygen, is one of the waste actiyated sludge treatment processes (Diaz et al., 1993; Polprasert, 1996; Rantala et al., 1999; Metcalf and Eddy Inc., 2003). Since composting is an inexpensive. simple and environmentally sound process for waste disposal, the composting of thickened and dewatered undigested primary and secondary sludge has been widely applied. Composting improves the handling characteristics of organie residue by reducing its volume and weight (Bertran et al., 2004).

Therefore, composting techniques have recently received inereasing amounts of interest and have been developed for treatment of waste actiyated sludge (Zorpas et al., 2003; Metcalf and Eddy Inc., 2003). To datę, however, most pub-lished information on the composting process is qualitative: little systematic and auantitatiye work has been published on the design and operating parameters of composting reactors. Although composting techniques have been developed for treatment of waste actiyated sludge, few studies on modeling of composting reactors have been published (Whang and Meenaghan, 1980; Takabayashi et al., 1982; Kaneko and Fujita, 1990; Agamuthu et al., 2000). The rational design and operation of composting reactors reauire quantitative knowledge of kinetics for composting of waste actiyated sludge.

Waste Management 26 (2006) 49-61


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