Student Dormitory is located at Długosza 61 Street, tel. +48 18 547 35 33.
In order to reserve a place in a dormitory student must indicate in the application the option of a desire reservation. The dorm is located in the city center, so the great advantage of its location is its proximity to all the Institutes of the University: 5-15 minutes walking distance. The dormitory can accommodate about 176 students in modem rooms 1 -, 2 - and 3-persons, which are fumished and equipped with private bathrooms and free Wi-Fi. The building also has rooms for disabled guests. The dorm also has a communal kitchen, TV room, as well as ramps for the disabled and an elevator. Monthly fee per person is about: a three-bed room: 280 zł; a two-bed room: 320 zł; a one-bed room: 360 zł. There is a bar offering cheap student breakfast, lunch and dinner. Next to the dorm is a large shopping center "Europa II" and self-service grocery Stores.
International relations office cooperates with Scientific Circle "Lingwista" in the Institute of Foreign Languages, organized by the Polish language course for foreigners, and various social events. Students can take also some other languages courses, the offer is on website http://www.erasmus.org.pl/eilc-poland
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