Imię i nazwisko:
Audio 4 Zadanie 1 (5 punktów /_)
Wysłuchasz dwukrotnie wywiadu. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu, odpowiedz krótko na pytania. Odpowiedzi należy podać w języku angielskim.
Przykład: What health problems did Jake's brother have? Kidney problems.
1 When did Jake's brother go to hospital? _
2 What did Jake's brother need? _
3 How many times was Jake in hospital beforethe surgery? _
4 When did Jake havethe operation? _
5 How long did he have to rest? _
Zadanie 2 (5 punktów/_)
Zakreśl poprawną formę: A lub B.
A take |
B catch |
A sleep |
B tired |
A seriously |
B painfu |
A ointment |
B pili |
A drops |
B plaster |
A cough |
B ache |
Przykład: Sorry, but I didn't_your name.
1 If you feel_, you shouldn't work so much.
2 Owen is_ill. He's been taken to hospital.
3 When there's a problem with your skin, put some_on it.
4 He's broken his leg and now it's in_.
5 I don't like your_. Take this syrup twice a day.
Zadanie 3 (5 punktów/_)
Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach wyrazami z ramki. Podano dwa wyrazy dodatkowo.
down from in in on to to up
Przykład: Come to the gym with me.
1 Rememberthat your check-_is tomorrow.
2 Stay_bedfor three days.
3 You should include morę vegetables_your diet.
4 What does your uncle suffer_?
5 You should cut_on sweets.