(( Live Science,
The elu$ive Htggs boson. if found. would complete the Standard Model of physics. It is thought that matter obtains mass by interacting with the Higgs field If Higgs did not exist, according to the model everythmg in the umverse would be massless.
Imagine a party wherc guctts are rttnly ipaced around Ai the celebrity p«w through the room. the concen the room. The room of guests reprt sents the Higgs trated ctump ol guests surrounding her głvet the field, whlch łs evecywhcre in the unłverse. Suddenly a group additional momentom. The clump h harder to celebrity cnttn. Guests notice the celcbnty and rush In stop than one guest alone would be. and to we can say ctoser to be near her. forming a tlght knot that the ctump has acąuired mass.
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KARI TATl / 0 UveSctence.com