applicabie to
EA Codę: 38
Approvcd ov Prlnted b*/
Tłiis i: :o ecrtify thc Enylronmenta! System of
ul. Moniuszki 31 23-400 Biłgoraj ul. 3 Maja 87 A, 23-400 Biłgoraj ul. Nadstawiła 5db/4, 23-400 Biłgoraj
has bccn assessed and found to 0c m corop: arvce wlth the Standard
The certlflcatc has bccn isSued undcr No, 481924 foi the reglstratłon period from 14!‘ May 2014 to 13't’ May 2017.
LL-C (Cert iont Czech RepubJk; s.r.o. | PoWeźni 620,0, 186 00 Pr.iha 8
validity codę: E020E253-511
C'«* v»W«Y «l II* nir.r«r» u«r« IM <«>e (.1 v,~-~ ttJnto