r -- • »u o* itrrwut>oo<«i IV* geneiały undetttood \oc», mat L * •**<> *cc*t* that th* UW u»ze a* »9rrtii *1*0 make* u*
■k lowłebon to* a n*A kmd ot moyoment
Bm i* «t th* tam* m* o*g*noe<* and *ivrwoOei* engajed n
K* moi* than Ar «nn ob|ectiv*ly tpeakmg yet *ome*,>vr«3 m th*
I ** hav* b**n a>ound to* any number ot y«a<« a* h*ve toond jut to* ou* orgamyation* and whate«*f tembience* ot mov*n\*nt* luat* tn*m*«tv«t mroogh mon than tUuctuiai element* that i*. K*mr\ ho* c**tam tecto** ot homamty have tełitóed opo*e*von ■*xra*on» and mov*m*nt* hav* be«n mtenupted by Ute iep»e»von ton Ol appaient •yictofy’ - bot nevei ha* the *tf to !«v»t toeen y» a* ha** dev*>oped a "eonu** ot *ev»tance ' toonded on an