
1 Dopasuj wyrazy do Ich definicji. Następnie uzupełnij przykładowe zdania.

I grant compulsory timetabie certificate curriculum gap year school uniform

1 (adj.) mustbedone because ofa law or rule

Maths and English are_subjects for students under 16.

2 (noun) the subjects and topią thatyou team as part of a course

The new primary_indudes foreign languages.

3 (noun) a year out between leaving school and going to unlversity

My sister is going to Africa for her_She's going to teach English.

4 (noun) moneygtwen to students by the gwemment» allowthem to study or to support them while they study

l'm going to apply for a_for my unhrersity course.

5 (noun) a grid showing what time different lessons happen

Oh no! My_for next term is terrible! I have double physics on

Monday moming!

6 (noun) speclal clothes that all students at a school wear

I hate my__ It's so ugly and old-fashioned.

7 (noun) the ofRcialdocument that shows that youhavepassedanexam Mum Is so proud of my GCSE .    . She stuck it on the wali in the

living room!

2 Uzupełnij tekst o brytyjskich szkołach właidwymi wyrazami.

Children in Britain start (1)_at the age offour. At age eleven. they

move on to (2)__In most schools students wear (3)__

(4)_in primary and secondary schools isfreein (5)_schools.

Lessons follow the national (6)_(the govemment decides what

students must leam).

Education in Britain is (7)_up to the age of 16. After that, students

can decide whether they want to continue studying at (8)-or

(9)_or leave school andgeta job.

Exams and qualifications

3 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.

Itechnical college grant subjects pass A-level compulsory unhrersity exam

ben I wishourGCSEswereoved leah Me too! I'm so stressed-out! ben Don't be sllly! Yoi/re so dever. l'm surę you'll (1)-1

leah Thanks, Bea But l'm worried

about some (2)--The

maths (3)_was really

hard, and I want to continue

and do maths for (4)-.

ben Maths! Thafscrazyllhate maths!

leah Weil, it's not my favourlte. But I want to study

engineerlng at (5)--

and maths is a (6)-


sen Weil, ldon'tthinkl want to go to unhrersity. Ifs too expensive. It's impossible to


leah What do you want to do, then?

ben M rather get a job. I can

study at the (8)_at

the same time. I want to be an electridan.

primary school






not allowed

8    primary school

9    university


secondary school







term timetabie


school uniform








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