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1 Complete the missing words in the dialogues.

0    X: What kind of films do you like, Jake?

Y: I like comedies - films that make me laugh.

1    X:Who’syoufavouritedirector ?

Y: Steven Spielberg - he makes some great films.

2    X: What musical instrument would you like to learn?

Y: The drums but my mum says they’re too noisy!

3    X: What do you do in your free time?

Y: I really love taking photos.


3 Choose the correct answers.

O My parents them.

like hip hop - it’s too loud for

A doesn’t CJ3 dorV£) C isn’t

My best friend_classical musie.

A listen to B listens C listens to

I_watch horror films - I hate them.

A always B usually nevei

3 M

4 We

4 X: Does Tom Lewis like aCtion

in plays?

A doesn’t go

_the guitar in a band.

B play C does play

_to the cinema very often.

rSrTrar* C don’t goes

Y: No, only in films, I think.

5 They

go to flamenco classes, but

X: What do you usually do on Saturdays?

Y: I usually make video c lip_to

put on my vlog.

X: Do you usually read the weather forecast? Y: No, I just look out of the window to see what it’s like!

only once a montfr

A often ^sometimeSJC always

art at university.

B study C studying

Lilia _ day. A do

X: Do you read the sports program newspaper?

Y: Yes, usually. I like sport.

in the

her homework after school every B doing CC does.



X: Grandma is a pensioner . isn’t she?

Y: Yes, she doesn’t work any morę - she’s too old.


Complete the text with the words from the box. There are three extra words.

soap-opefas 4kids my own songs 2phone-in linewspapers novels musie videos 3comics ^horoscopes 7blog /^mek musie_

My favourite programmes on the TV are soao ooeras.

I love the stories and the characters in them. I don’t

usually listen to1_-1 prefer hip hop. I like

shows when

listening to the radio, especially people cali the radio station.

I don’t usually read

3_because I think they’re for4_and

not for teenagers like me! I like reading5 though, the headlines of course, but especially the

6_. My birthday is in April so l’m an Aries. I

don’t believe them but they’re quite funny. I read my friend’s 7

Use the words below to make questions using the present simple.

you / chat with / your friends online?

Do you chat with your friends Online?

1    what kind / of musie / your parents / like?

What kind of musie do your parents like?

2    you / always / do your homework / with your best friend?

Do yruj-always dn ynur hnmewnrk with ynur best friend?

3    what time / your brother / usually / wake up?

What time do your brother usually wake up?

4    where / your friend / live?

where does your friend live?_

5    how often / your sister / work / in that shop?

How often does your sister work in that shop?

6    when / your grandparents / visit / your house?

When ao your grandparents visit your house?


7 what time / your mum and dad / get up / in the

toćTshe witeśThingś every week^h a ł timedoyour mum and dad get up in the morning?

about musie and film and ifs quite good.    8 you / want / to learn / to play / a musical

n    instrument?

Do you want to learn to play a musie instrument?

English Class A2+ © Pearson Central Europę 2017


Language Test A



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