Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE45

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE45

TEST 5 B (Modnie 5)

Blockbuster 2






(Time: 50 minutes)


A. Write the opposites.

2    friendly

3    honest

4    paticnt

5    scnsitivc

eg. happy unhappy 1 loyal ...................

| Marks:-^



B. Fili in the correct word.

• pessimistic • scrccns • rcccivc • kecp • down






6    In 2100, there will be videophone .....................instead of telephones.

7    Solar power is an altcrnativc .....................

of energy.

8    Sorry I'm late but I was in a traffic

9    We’re going to ..................... an English

exam tomorrow.

10    Ann and Tom aren‘t speaking to cach other.

They had a(n).....................yesterday.

• jam • argument • sit • make • sourcc

Can I trust you to.....................a sccret?

Did you ..................... a phonc cali from

Kimś teacher?

We have to..................... a decision about

which car to buy.

Try to calm .....................! Don t be so

worried about tomorrow’s exam.

Janet thinks there will be no food or water in the futurę. She’s very......................

/ Marki:-

\ Ulxl 10






C. Fili in will, won 't or be going to.

16    I don’t think people ...................... (have)

flying cars in the futurę.

17    Greg.........................................(take) driving

Icssons bccause he wants to buy a car.

18    NVc.....................(sce) the new James Bond

film on Saturday. Would you likc to comc?

19    What a Iovely jacket! I ........................(put)

it in the wardrobc for you.

I'm surc you .........................................(pass)

your driving test tomorrow.

Andy wants to kecp fit so he .....................

(join) a gym.

Thcrc..................................(be) no pollution

in the futurę.


with me to the theatre bccause she’s iii.


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