Test Unit 13
NAME:.................................................................... DATĘ:...........................................
CLASS:................................................................... MARK:-
(Time: lOminutcs)
Underline the correct word.
1 The Asian tsunami killed/passed morę than 100,000 pcoplc.
2 The policc officcr surfed/shot the thief in the arm.
3 Marilyn Monroc went/died at the age of thirty-six.
4 Jcff shot/broke his leg at the festival.
5 Gustavc Eiffel copicd/built the Kiffel Tower in 1888.
6 The journalist wrote/spent about the firc last weekend.
7 The childrcn spent/did the weekend in the park.
8 Armstrong and Aldrin put/took the first walk on the moon in 1969.
9 In 1964 the Beatles appcarcd/surfed on American TV.
10 The owner didn’t see/saw the boys comc into the shop.