Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE06

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE06

Test Unit 30

Blockbuster 2

NAME:.......................................................-............... DATĘ:.............................................

CLASS:........................................................................ MARK:-


(Time: 10 minutes)

Underline the correct word.

1    I lovc sailing. It’s vcry exciting/boring.

2    The weather was rainy/sunny so I didnt do the gardening.

3    We’re staying at a luxurious/sunny hotel.

4    We haven‘t tried the local tastes/dishes yet.

5    A holiday in the junglc would be comfortable/adventuroiis, don’t you think?

6    Our hotel has fabulous watersport villages/facilities.

7    Kim is staying at a bcauliful mountain resort/facillty.

8    Sightseeing,'Sailing is best when it’s windy.

9    We spent all day in/on the beach as it was hot and sunny.

10    You should wcar a jumper because it’s a bit sunny/chilly.


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