Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE11

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE11

Test Unit 35

Blockbuster 2


ri acc*

.. DATĘ:.............................................




(Time: 10 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1    Monica is worricd about hcr appcarancc. Her face is fuli of..................

A spots    B    creams

2    1 hopc my................hclps.

A problem    B    advicc

3    What should I do? I m................!

A trust    B    desperate

4    Susie's mother doesn't want her to wear................bccause $he’s too young.

A make up    B    spots

5    ................doing this. you won’t be wasting your money.

A If    B    By

6    The do is ask your doctor about taking medicine.

A idea    B    thing

7 join a gym?

A don*t    B    not

8    My parents don't................that I can takc care of myself.

A get    B    realise

9    Havc you thought................talking to your teacher about the problem?

A of    B    to

it seems.

10 I don't think your problem is as bad

A for    B as


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