Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE02

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE02

Test Unit 26

Blockbuster 2


.............................. DATĘ:

CLASS:.................................................................................................. MARK:-


(Time: 10 minutcs)

A. Choose the correct item.

1 You rc homc! Wclcomc

A housc    B back

2 Athcns is................mixturc of ancicnl and


Aa    B the

3 Thcrc arc a lot of archaeological.. in Egypt.

A bridges    B treasures

4    I loved................camels in Egypt.

A driving    B    riding

5    Wc didn*t    havc timc to    .sail ................ the


A along    B    in

6    Vienna has beautiful................streets and


A pavement    B    cobbled

B. Circle the correct response.

7    A: Would you like to go for a walk?

B: a Tell mc about it!

b Why not?

8    A: Do you fancy eating at a restaurant? B: a I don't rcally fccl likc it.

b Why mc?

9 A: 1-et’s go to the cincma.

B: a Great idea! b That’s right.

10 A: Why don’t we go to Canada instead? B: a What about you? b That sounds fantastic!


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