Test Unit 7
NAME:.................................................................. I)ATE:.............................................
CLASS:................................................................. MARK:-
•W (Time: 10 minutes)
Underline the correct word(s).
1 If you have a map/subway, you won’t get lost.
2 The Kmpire State Building and the Museum of Modern Art are two tourist shops /attractions.
3 Could you please tell/take me the way to the Metropolitan Museum?
4 If you want to go to the train station, therc’s a musie venue/bus terminal just down the Street.
5 The Public Library is straight/near Bryant Park.
6 It's easy to get on/get around New York City on the subway.
7 Is thcrc a hotel on/to the corncr of Lexington Avenue and 50th Street?
8 The ncw building on/between the bank and the shoe shop is very tali.
9 The bus/subway is the fastest and most rcliablc way around the city.
10 New York City is great bccausc thcrc’s something/anything for everyone.