Test Unit 2
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CLASS:....................................... |
..................................... MARK: |
10 | |
(Time: 10 minutes) |
Lnderline the correct word(s).
1 As a sccrctary 1 work a free/typical 9-to-5 day.
2 Do/Does your fricnds likc bcing nurscs?
3 Police officcrs oftcn work thc rewardingfaight shift.
4 Betty works as a newsreader/racing driver at thc local TV station.
5 My mum and dad work/works vcry long hours.
6 Nurses take care of/for sick pcoplc.
7 Alan is a waiter. He meet/meets ncw pcoplc cvcry day.
8 How does your dad do/earn a living?
9 You can find Mr Robbins at thc garage/police station. He’s a mechanic.
10 The teaching profession/company is vciy difficult.