Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE04

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE04

Test Unit 28

Blockbuster 2

NAME:.... CLASS:....


MARK:- _ tA .

10 (Time: 10 minutcs) the correct item.

1    Unfortunately. there are no facilities in this city for peoplc with spccial

A problems    B    nccds

2    We haven't been to the cincma................two months.

A sińce    B    for

3    Oh, no! l'vc................missed the bus!

A yet    B    just

4    I'vc bccn herc................last August.

A for    B    sińce

5    They’ve................finished the big new car park.

A alrcady    B    yel

6    I havcn’t scen you................ages!

A for    B    sińce

7    You haven’t been around much lately. What have you becn up..............

A into    B    to

8    Oh, no! The traffic................aren t working.

A jams    B    lights

9    Ann hasn’t thrown the rubbish away.................

A already    B    yet

10 That s just great! There    are no parking................left.

A spaces    B    placcs


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