Test Unit 14
NAME:...................................................................... DATĘ:.............................................
CLASS:...................................................................... MARK:-
(Time: 10 minutcs)
llnderiine the correct word.
1 II you like crossword puzzles/paintings, you should play Scrabble.
2 Mart ha has a Barbie Doli who/whose lianie is Linda.
3 Toys for babies are soft/sharp.
4 Ruth Handler named the first Barbie Doli from/after her daughter Barbara.
5 The food who/which they madę is Italian.
6 Little Nicholas got a brown teddy/cardboard bcar for his birthday.
7 I havc a friend who/which likes bungee jumping.
8 Darts/Jigsaw puzzlcs are vcry popular.
9 What's the namc of the woman which/who designed that dress?
10 A Rubik’s cube has nine sąuares/puzzles on each sidc.