I est Unit 4
(Time: 10 minutes)
Cboose the correcl item.
1 Wc................brcakfast cvcry morning at 7:30 am.
A havc B arc having
2 We ................to a conccrt on 13 January.
A go B arc going
3 My unclc Nick, my 1'athcr‘s.................is Icarning Spanish.
A brother B grandfathcr
4 My sister likcs................in thc park whcn thc wcathcr is nicc.
A roller-skating B windsurfing
5 I like taking part in................competitions. Last ycar I won thc mountain bikc race.
A musical B local
6 Grandmother.................so try not to make a noisc.
A is sleeping B slccps
7 She goes to the gym twicc a weck bccausc she wants to .................
A cool off B kccp fit
8 We................the shopping on Fridays.
A do B are doing
9 A good way to................in the summer is to go swimming.
A visit B cool off
10 My munfs A niece
. Paula, is her sistcr’s daughter. B aunt