Zadanie 8. (0-4)
Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach 8.1. 8.4. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz zgodny z trcścii( tekstu. Zakreśl literę A. li albo C\
Hi Hugh.
can I borrow your helmet and baseball bat? Were playmg a match on Saturday and I won't be able to buy them before then Mark
everyhody going to watch the competition so I can 7 swim in my old stuff. / really need a naw swimsuit and gogyles Tina
8.1. Butli tc\ts arc about
A. winning compctitions. (1^f)getting sports cquipmcnt. C. watching sports events.
Pete, something unexpected has happened. Can you tell Miss Smith I II be late and that l'm sorry? 1*11 tell you morę later Thanks. Erik
8.2. Erik wrotc the message
A. to ofTcr Pctc some help.
B. to sa> sorry to Pctc.
0)to ask Pctc to do something.