Vunt^HI l*l*#l t M/o»fui M«ioib;ln fr/y /dania. Wplft/ w luki 7.1 *-7.3. litery, którymi n/ua*/nun in»i-n)*pt /dania IA \ ), Ink ahy otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst, i tłMgJt. dw* /*<«l*ly podane dodatkowo I nic pasują do żadnej luki.
II* wanleiI In sludy ul u hlm <u hool Ind hc wasn't ucccptcd, so hc signed up for English ludl* i ul • allfmohi 'diii* l ullcju ll wa^ Ihcn Ihal his lifc took a turn for the better. While 'dali log llolyerwl Modio*. hc mci an cditor, Chuck Silvcrs. Stcvcn showed him lii* M utui fllino h* IiiuI madc Silycrs was impressed and irwiled Stevcn to sce him in lin hludius m*mu fhe nc*t day. 7.2. There was nothing insidc it cxccpt for
a *andwl< h II*iwcv» i il was madc ul lealher and Slevcn lookcd vcry profcssional with it.
I ni ilu* * iiioiithę M* vi n hiifii* out wilh prodticcrs. dircctors and other pcoplc involved in film 111111*1111* / \ ( lh* ev*n pul his namc on ihc front door: “Stcvcn Spielberg, Room 23C\ li was p*» :d»l» h* * aiiue uvcryfoody lhoughl hc was working there. Silvcrs w*as the only person who I* ne w llial ilu-1* ul wnin‘1 a dudio cmploycc.
adapted front www. rd. com
A t Ów i lny Im loiiud an ruiply officc and decidcd to occupy it. ll I Im om *1111*/ mad* him cvcn inoie interested in film making. i Inni* ul Ilia h*»y po h ir< *1 aliooting homcmadc films with an X mm camera. h I hal s why Slrvcn dc* ided lo slay Ihcrc without Silvcrs’ perm i ss i on.
I ,i* vi‘o showed up do elcganlly, carrying lus father s briefcase.