Tekst 2.
A friend of minę once kad a cunous expenence at a job intemew. Excited abont the possible position. ske arrived five rnmutes early and was immediately ushered into tke intemew room by tke receptionist. Foliowing an amicable discussion witk a panel of intemewers, ske was offered tke job. Afterwards. one of tke interviewers remarked kow impressed ske was tkat my friend could be so composed after skowing up 25 minutes late for tke interview. As it tumed out. my friend kad been told tke wrong start tmie by kalf an kour. Ske remained composed because ske didnt know ske was late. My friend isn't tke type of person wko would kave remained cool if ske kad known ske was late. but tke interviewers reacked tke opposite conclusion. Of course. tkey could kave also concluded tkat ker calmness skowed disrespect. Eitker way. tkey would kave been wrong to draw conclusions about ker futurę performance m ker work based on ker bekaviour at tke intenriew. In tkis case. tke outcome of tke intemew was beneficial for tke applicant. But it doesn t kave to end tkat way.
Tlns is a widespread problem. Employers kke to use free-fonn. unstructured inten-iews to ”get to know" a job candidate. Suck inten-iews are also increasingly popular witk admissions officers at universities. But. as in my friend s case. mteniewers typically form strong but unwarranted impressions.
One way to ckange tkis is to develop an intemew protocol based on a careful analysis of wkat is being looked for in tke candidate. Inten-iews skould be structured so tkat all candidates receive tke same questions. a procedurę wkick makes inteniews morę rekable and morę predictive ofjob success. Tke employer skould also make surę to include a number of questions whick test job-related skills.
adapredfiom www.nythnes.com: www.theguardian com
6.4. The author mentions his friend's interriew experience to
A. show tkat a successful inten-iew is linked to futurę perfomiance m tke job. ^B^uggest tkat an inten'iew may give a misleading image of a candidate.
C. compare different factors wkick influence a candidate’s perfoimance at an intemew.
D. prove tkat eack inten-iewer assesses tke same candidate differently.
6.5. In the last paragraph. we learn
A. in wkat way candidates' bekaviour ckanges wken tke job inteniew is structured.
B. why structured inten-iews are not recommended for testing some skills.
C. wkat altemative recruitment procedures skould replace inten-iews. wkat improYements could be madę to job inten-iews.
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