Futurę simple, futurę coptinuous, futurę perfect
i.1 suppose tbe concert
(finisb) about 6.
(be) very sad if you do that.
(tell) you everything when I go bacK.
ł. Tbis time tomorrow I
(fiy) to France.
5. Next montb we
(be married) for 25 years.
6. Tomorrow she
(write) a very important exam.
7. Don't pbone me between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. I
8. John is very upset today. I
(try)totalKto bim.
9- By tbe end of tbe weeK be
(spend) all bis money.
10. By tbe time you arrive, sbe
ii. Tbis time next week I
(reiax) at tbe beacb.
12-Ithink sbe
(pass) tomorrows exam.
13.1 can visit you at 5. We (finisb) tbe gamę by tben.
ił. £orry, but I cant come at 5.1 (play) football witb my mates.
15. In balf an bour everybody
• ,
(watcb) tbe film.