$|rtotion of Tectonic Plates
SPccanic ridgcs such as thc Mid-Adant* fcdge and thc fcast ^Pacific Rtee płay an important role in place tectonłcs. I
5|£orrvcction currcnts dccp withwi thc fcarttfs mantlc oo/c ho|J< |jbva forming new ocean* crust that spr eads out lateraty. 1
*3lk magnet* anomały ts a óeparture from the tneoreocał
iflhis "Sca-floor sprcoding* gcncratcs lincatcd ma noc gjjnagnet* anomaUes at the ndges. nooceaWe as the jC^mmctr* pattcm of stripcs straddhng thc Mid^tlantK in the map at the rtght These magnet* strtpes not |frnły rccocd thc htstory of Earttrs magncdc pole rcvcrsals $but also mfer seafloor age.