\ i<ly«l:»nkjir : l'.\ . Diplomii - AJP

12.    pane can be used to add component to Container.

(a) Glass    (b) Cotent    (c) Container    (d) Allofabove

13.    Which of these methods is used to obtain tlie object that generated a WindowEvent?

(a) getMethod()    (b)    get\Vindow()

(c) getWindowEvent()    (d)    gctWindowObjcct()

14.    Which of these are constants defined in WindowEvent class?


(c) WINDOW DEICONIFIED    (d) Ali of the mentioned

15. Which of these is a return typc of get Addrcss method of DatagramPackct class?

(a) DatagramPackct    (b)    DatagramSockct

(c) InctAddrcss    (d)    ScrvrcrSockct

16.    Which of these methods of DatagramPackct is used to obtain the bytc array of data contained in a datagram?

(a) getData()    (b) gctBytes()    (c) getArrayO    (d) recicveBytcs()

17.    Nativc protocol purc Java convcrts _____in to the    used by DBMSs dircctly.

(a) JDBC calls, nctwork protocol    (b) ODBC class. network protocol

(c) ODBC class, uscr cali    (d) JDBC calls, uscr cali

IX. The JDBC .'-ODBC bridge drivcr rcsolves    and makes ecjuivalent

(a) JDBC cali, ODBC cali    (b) ODBC cali, ODBC cali

(c) ODBC cali, JDBC cali    (d) JDBC cali, JDBC cali

19.    Prcparcd Slatcmcnt objcct in JDBC used to cxccute ____ qucrics.

(a) Executable    (b) Simple    (c) High level    (d) Parameterized

20.    Namc the class that includes the gctScssion () method that is used to get the HttpSession objcct.

(a) HttpServietRequest    (b) HttpSen letResponsc

(c) ScssionContcxt    (d) ScssionConfig

21.    What is the first part of URL addrcss?

(a) Host namc    (b)    Port number    (c)    Filc path    (d) Protocol

22.    A uscr typcs the URL http://www.rn.sbte.com/result.php. Which HTTP request gels generated? Selcct the one correct answer.

(a) GET method    (b)    POST method    (c)    HEAD method (d) PUT method

23.    Which of these is a protocol for breaking and sending packets to an address across a network?

(a) TCIP/IP    (b)    DNS    (c)    Socket    (d) Proxy Server

24.    In a web application, running in a webserver, who is responsible for crealing request and response object,

(a) Web server    (b)    Servlet    (c)    Container    (d) Client

25.    What components will be necdcd to get following output?

(a) Labcl, Tabbcd Pane. Chcck Box (b) Tabbcd Pane, List, Applct (c) Panel, Tabbed Pane, List    (d) Applet, Tabbed Pane, Panel

26. Sclect the missing statement in given codę    [2]

// Demonslrate the mouse event handlers. import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*;



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