The other astronauts* familics and tncr.d* wre there. too. There was a big tcłcvision in che room, but ic had no picturr on it.
”In a minutę,” his mocher amwrcd.
Mls hc really going co ulk to us from space?”
Jcffrey was sorry about his brother Jay. Jay was away at schooł and couldnac be (hece.
”Do >x>u think Dach all nght?” Jcffrey askcJ.
”Hcs finc” she answered. MLook around at che contiollcrs Thcy don’t look afraid. Evcrything is gomg to be finc ”
”Dad said that too,” sud Jcffrey. "Wait! Look! Tlicrc hc is!*'
The threc Apollo i3 astronauts were on the telcvi*ion. Jcffrey movcd close to u and sat on the floor. ł !e saw hts father smile into the camera.
"Good cvcning. America,” said Jim. ” We Yc here in Apollo 13. Were talking to you fiom almost 320,000 kilornetcrs away. Tonight, Fred Haisc. Jack Swigcrt, and I wiD show you somc of our litde jobs out herc m space.
“We havc to cat so let*s start with cooking. Cooking isnY casy without gravity. Things don*t fali to the floor herc.”
Jeflrty saw his father ukc a bag in his łund.
“We tarry bags ofdry food.*’Jim sard MWc pot ho: water in :t before we eat it.”
Thcn. Fred was on the telcviMon whh Jim Hc had a srrange gun in his hand. Jim gavc him the bag of food and niovcd away.
"Watch this!** Fred shouted. Water camc out of the gun and went into the food bag. "Dinncr’ We don’: really cook here in space.”
Somc water go: out of the food bag and mosed across the command module in front of Jack s nose. Hc played with it with his fmgcr.
"Now” said Jim. "Fred and 1 will show you around the lunar module. Aquarius. After you. Fred”
“OK!" \aid Fred. Hc kickcd his fcct and nwd ihrough a utuli door.
“Hci swimmingTihought Jcffrey
Jim went into the lunar nKxiu!e after Fred. then rhey tarned lo the telcvision camera.
"Tlnt is Aijuariusy said Fred. “The luiur module is vcrv snuD—
• »«4y is big as a closci. We only use it for the ijiuck inp ftom the
• oinmand i:kk1u1c down to the Moon and bock agam The walls ot •lu* lunar module are as thin as paper. ihisT
He took x pen. a bag of food. and a łight. Then hc opencd Iii* hands. All three things rurned around and around in front of Im nosc.
‘That* my space gamę!"he laughed.
Fred and Jim moved back into the command module “Weil say goodb\r naw.“said Jim.“Next dmc we*ll be on the M«K>n. Hm is Apotto U. Have a mcc cwningT
“Oon't forgee my moon rock.” Jcffrey callcd to the big i*lrvision. I Ic was happy now. His father was finc.
Chapter 6 Monday,April 13,21:07
lun curncd off the cclcvis»on camera and closed his cyc*, i vcrything was OK. It was April 13 on F-arth. There were iwo morę days before thcy got to the Moon.
“You were sery good on tclestston. QJys5ry,M said Mwion • ontrol on the radio.
Jack got into his chair.
“Thank you. Houston.”
“Now. we havc somc httlc jobs for you,”ttid Mtssion Conuol. Fint. please c hangę the Controls on the oocygcn unks.”
Flńs hclped the oxygcn movc through the command module ind the machino*. Thcy had to hivc oocygcn for the ships power.