^•nina’'" /’**\*an 10 t***c to me .^?mIorubl' u evei wheo my wiic, wno---
*•1I didnr^dC "° *n,wCT. to therene !!? P*°ple' ** s"t»“ *•* “«>. "»b“,,me *rr We‘ve me, t *« >o^er. tłu, ume I told her pohtely
wi,1re*'ly- Nev" »top» tellmJ **"’ very macbr ** *"d _E‘Pccl*ll> h,m
••But‘T':ere “round .iWol^r.T w,n mrntr
l«te to pu/r1'th,nk ,hcy “e iwfuP^h,' you’n v«y well. <**> ~
“Thcn PwL h , ee,,ngofr" ,he "rbey »* «oo awful. they remlly «« lf« too
and I n»o ^ ^ou ask thcrn?*' tk
“You k^vvCd " “ °nce' for »'« » rulcl,?^0" *l,pp*d °« befort 1 ,,op myłtlf
Tk... Very Weil why I „«I„.h ,u-never t0 peovoke my wife if I cen help it
5*wSr"w‘omtth,n| **,he“***
„v„ u a, oncc, for u „ . ‘uppea oui oeiore i tomu ,.uV
°u know very well whv l . C W|th me never to provoke my wife if I c»n help it i*y p,*y an absolutely first-clau *he “*wcred »h»T>|y “For bndgc. th.fi .11
„The only time I met them1„ “ f?1 ** for » rr.Kmtóle wm"
Arthur!” she called. "I've just h»H*y *** d'd leem qui,e n,ce "
“tey really are the wav theJ k-u * marvelou* tde«. Now, listen 1 n thinking bow »wful *ey behave when thev are ^ e ,hlm with his jokes and her Weil, if thafi the w.y
together? AU \ve’ve om >„ a Ir°nt °* us' wh»t must they be like when they're alone
I adnut I waseXnecnń»>d°>sput8m,crophonemthe,rroom"
to answer “Herei" i Sa .IJ’?*11'8 pretty bad> but when she said this, I didn-t know how of. You don', me ^OUJcan’t do «hat. Thafs about the nastiest trick I’ve ever heard
but there were ' Se^lous y' do y°u?” I knew how much she disliked being contradicted, ?fo^d youT0r,'rW " feU " neCCSSar> ,0 “** »**»* "Pamela,- f sard sharp,y,
But listen, .Arthur. Ima nasty person. And so are you - in a secret sort of way. It’s just as nght as when you found those letters of Maiy Proberf s in her purse and you read them through from the beginning to the end. Thafs why we get along together."
Adapiedfrom: My Lady Love. My Dove by Roald Dahl
5.1. Arthur had a set routine for the aftemoon.
Pamela and Arthur knew the Snaps very well.
Pamela wanted to see the Snaps very much.
The Snaps played cards for money.
Arthur liked the idea of putting a microphone in the Snaps’ room.
5.6. I Pamela believes she and Arthur have similar characters
. •----.oiUatiop than Pamela.