Malaria cases {per 100,000) by country, latest available data

Malaria casco (per 103030)


10 < 103

103 < 1003

1030 <10303

10303 < ?5003

>- 2S0C0

The preeenlaton of materiał on the mops contamed heroin does nol mpiy the expre»ion of sny opinicei whaleoo.er on the psrt of the World Health Organizahon concerning the legał elatus of any country, terrtoiy. cily er areat or of ile

Oats Source- WHO/Malartj Department Map Production Pu SU: Health Mapping Group Con-municable One a: as (CDSj World Heallh Organizalion

authorilies, or concerning the dclr eeh on of its frontiers or boundaries.

O World Hoalh Oroani zatoń. January 2004


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