Washers and Sanitizers to Automalically Wash and Apply Disinfectant to Wheelchairs and Other Hard-to-Clean Medical Equipment.

Aqua Phase Stretched Model

Taller & Longer than the AQ-3000, providing morę eąuipment washing versatility

Double Wall Stamless Steel Chamber Staintess Steel Structural Frame Stainless Steel Control Enclosure Osciilatmg Stainless Steel Spray Arms Chamber Ftoor - Deck & Loading ramps Caster Wheeis (2.400lb rating)

Seal Welded Wash Chamber Front Door - 12ga Stamless Steel Front Door Safety Wmdow Disinfectant Application System

Controls & Flectrical

ProgrammaWe Logic Control Syst (PLC) 24 Vołt DC Control System LCD Status Display Level Control • Setf Diagnostics Wash Cycle Pressure Monitoring

Non-Reset Cyde Counter Power Cord włth GFCI BuiR in Circuit Extras 115 Volt. 30 Amp. 60 Hertz System • Fi" & Drain Hose Set -10' Each

r Standard Features



•    Variable Time Cycłes (3.5. or 7 min)

•    Run Modę & Dram Modę Sełection

•    ‘Clean Only'. Clean & Apply Disinfectant', and ‘Apply Disinfectant Orły' cycles Automatic Chemical Injection Automatic FHHng & Draining


•    1-1/2 HP Motor-Stainless Steel Pump

Wash System NozzJe Data

•    Wash & Rinse System Nozzles: 23 Disinfectant Nozzles: 7 Wash PSI: 36 Capacity GaJlonsmin: 37.5 Capacity Gaitonscyde: 262.5 Capacity Gallonshour: 2250

- O pti onal Features & Uporades

•    Lighted Wash Chamber

•    Utihty Wash Tray Set • Stainless Steel

•    Equipment Wash Rack - SS HME/DME

•    Wheetchair Wheel RotaDon System

•    Digital Temperaturę Display

•    Pass-Through Design (Entry/Exlt Doors)

•    Data Collections Computer System

•    Loadmg Ramp Set (2 @> 321 x 6'W)

r DlMENSIONS & Weight-

Crate/PaUet Dimensions Approximate Sliipping Weight

•    Length: 801

•    Width: 39’

•    Height: 84’

•    1250 bs.

•    567 Kilo

Exterior    Chamber willi Floor Deck

•    Length: 74-11/16'    • Length: 56-1’2'

•    Width: 34‘    • Wldth: 25-3/4-

•    Height: 74-1/4'    • Height: 48-1/2’

Once the Aqua Phase unit is in its location, all you need to do is hook up two hoses - one (or the hot water (ill linę and one lor the drain linę. Then pług the Aqua Phase in an appropriate power source & begin saving time. improving elficiency & enhancing your infection control protocol.

Aqmi Phase. A Pii ision of Mid-State Stainless, Inc. I 330 W . Benson Ave. I PO Box 22H I Crantsburg, H7 54940 I USA p: 800-20H-9274 I f: 715-463-5853 I aquaphaseCmedwashers.com I www.aqtta-phase.com


   2HP Motor / Stainless Steel Pump

•    AirDryBłower


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