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blow your own trumpet - to proudly tell other people about your own achievements and successes

I hate the way Tom always blows his own trumpet, and I get sick of hearing about all the wonderful things he's done.

change your tune - to start saying something different about a subject or situation, or to start behaving in a different way

Ben was very rude to me at first, but he changed his tune when someone mentioned how wealthy I was.

face the musie - to accept punishment or criticism for something you have done wrong

Mark stole a lot of money and bought a Porsche, and when he realised he'd have to face the musie he drove across the border to escape.

make a song and dance about something - to compiain a lot about something in an annoying and unnecessary way

Cindy thinks people should be angry about the injustices in the world, but instead they make a song and dance about unimportant things like the high price of oranges.

musie to your ears - something that someone says that you are very pleased to hear

When Betty heard Tom say "I do" at their wedding, it was musie to her ears.

play it by ear - to decide what to do as a situation develops rather than planning what you will do before you start

Peter says he doesn't know what goes on in the meetings, so he'll just play it by ear and see what happens.

puli OUt all the stops - to make a big effort so that something happens or is successful

They pulled out all the stops for the launch of their new rangę of cosmetics, and even paid celebrities to come along.

ring a beli - sounds familiar to you, although you cannot remember the exact details

The name rings a beli but I don't remember exactly where I heard it before.


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