Criteńa for being okay as a person
• Other people ask for my help and they say I am good to them.
• I don't have to agree with everyone. My opinions are valid.
• Everyone has intrinslc worth.
• I can enjoy myself sometimes and can be sad sometimes and both are normal.
Criteria for coping with my llfe
• I get up every morning and take care of myself.
• If I don't get a job, It does not mean that I am a fallure and will never get one.
• I have decorated the bedroom in my fiat, whlch shows that I have practical skills and can finish projects.
• Talking and spending time with people I like (neighbour, neighboufs children, June and Robert, my aunt Annie).
• Going to therapy to learn how to help myself.
• When I get upset, I donl always cut myself.
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