84688 SAVE0259

84688 SAVE0259

3 My wife boughl mc some clubs for my birtlulay. and lhere's a coursc nearby which I go lo.

4 I spcnd honrs onllne. and I send emails lo all my friends *> I usually IIy. bul I prefer to go by Irain ot. ewn belter. by boat If l've gol enough IIme

4 Uzupełnił zdania słowami i wyrażeniami z ramki.

colleague gone    get on played    fixed

1    My Computer was btoken. bul lve ........... ii

2 *Where‘sTlm?‘'Hc*s............. tothodnema.

3    Jancl works In thc same officc as me. Shc's my......

4 We cłon t............. veiy well willi each olher.

*> We........... lennis all aftemoon.




... /15

5    Znajdź i popraw błędy znajdujące się w tekście, (leden punkt za znalezienie błędu, jeden /.a poprawny korektę.!

1    This film isn‘t good as the one I saw l.isl weck

2    This Computer is much expensiver tlian my old one.

3    I h.jve plioned my mol ber yesterday

4    Whcn I was young. I use to fight willi my brothers all the tlrnc

5    I łave cver you bccn to the USA?

6    Dopasuj formy bezokolicznikowe do form czasu przeszłego.

I be    2 see    3 incel    4 have    5 go

a| had    b) beon    cl gone    dl scen    e) met



i 3Ax 'k'k'k "iAj. lir -w-

a sir U



192 English in 20 minutes a day


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