Ever wished that the 17s on your Mk2 didn't scuff the arches? or that you could run your Golf really Iow on Euro rims without major rubbing problems? Weil here's the simple solution -The Golfs cut out and keep DIY arch rolling tool. Simply take the technical drawings to a local engineering firm to make, weld them together as shown and before you know it, you’ll be rollin’ your own
There aro few thlngs In We morę annoytng mon a cor that doesnt dnve rlght and ono of the most common problems is tyies rubbing on the arches. Now yer Ood młght suggest o sensible way round this but. If you want to keep your stcmmed rłde helght ond your foncy new rims then the orty cholce is to roli the Inside arch Łps on your wlngs. For those that don’t know. 'roftng' Is just a foncy term for fołdmg bock the protiuding metal return Bp that sticks out on the Inside edge of your wlngs (you can feel It by runnłng your hond around the Inside of your wheełarches wtth a thlck głove on). It Is this that catches on your tyres • tf theyYe catching on any other part of the wlng. your wheełs are foo bigi
Askled body man can top this lip bock wrth o hammer and doiły but this is atso a qułck way of making a rlght mess if you don't know whcil youre doing. The better option is on odjustabte roing wheet that gentty presses the lip bock on itsełf. Doing It this way you can take you time and do it wtth mlnimal damage to the pamtwock and ony surrounding metatwork. Bewore, unless yotfre very lucky, the arches w.Q need repainting afterwards so make surę you take this Into occount and budget for a trlp to the bodyshop stralght afterwards etee youl do litne morę than help rust along its way - thing on earty Golf deftnltely doesn‘t need ony help wtth.
Whlle you can buy expensłve toots speclaiy designed to do thfó Job. you can ałso make your own. os Donny Allen proved. Ifs a bit fiddty and does require some wetdlng but if you thłnk It looks fcke a lood of hossie, think obout It this way - you make one. do you own and a coupte of mates arches wtth it and you ve got your car done ond yorire owed a coupłe of fcwours. Atways hondy when it comes to bukSng cors.
If you rea*y can t be orsed then drop usa Hne ond. depending on the leveł of interest. we B see if we can t get a few kits modę up for you.
First you need to get hołd of a spore VW-type s* Jack and make a few modificattoos os shown in plctue 7. Cut the bose piąte off ot on ongłe of opproxSmatefy 45-degrees, then remove the clip on the top part of the Jack ond cut off the littłe hooks that hołd It on.
An M10 bott is needed here ond has to be wełded into the centre of part 4 as shown m płcture 5.
You then need to weld port 1 to the bose port of the Jack and wełd part 4 to the top of the Jack as shown m płcture 8.
Parts 2 (bent as shown) ond 3 then need to be weided together os in Picture 6 ond driiied to suit the spłndie you w* be using. We used a łong
M8 nut and boit and a skateboard wheel as this wotks perfectly and is hord wearing.
Once parts 2 and 3 are wełded together and the wheel fitted, theyneedtobe bofted to part 4 whłch shoułd now be weided to the rest of the tool. leave them loose enough to provłde a bit of odlustment to the length as this is needed as you move around the arch,
Congratutotlons. you have now modo your very own arch rolling tool. Go on, roli ern up
• Before ony aftempt t$ modę to rofl you arches. remove tho płastlc spłosh guards from Inside the arches AJso remosre any dłrt on the insłde of the hpastnłs w* damage the outside of the wtng as you start to bend the bp up ond make a mess of what could othetwise be a neat Job
• if possfcłe practłce on an old car (or ot łeast a car where the plastłc arches are staylng in płace) os It takes a bit of practlce to use the tool
• Take you time and don t roli too much up at a time as youl end up wtth wobbły arches or even havlng to repłoce one of you arches
• As wtth the proper tool that ou bodyshop friend has, If you're gołng to do the whołe fip you win need to remove the brake caipers as these get tn the way but. from experlence, we ve founa you"l orty need to do a few secttons around the arch where the wheełs catch.
• Notę atso the point on you arches win spM sfcghtty as you fołd the kp up. This can be reduced by carefułly heating up the point wtth a hairdiyer We sad carefułly - too much heat and youTł Wist er the point.