The Road to PP Farming: Beginner Hard Rock & Double Time Map List/Guide

Verslon 1.2 by ClawViper

I. Introduction

Notę: This guide is now horribly outdated. I wrote this back in 2015, when there wererft as many PP maps, especially NoMod maps with high OD. In order to get >200 PP scores back then, people often had to resort to using Double Time and Hard Rock unless they were extremely good NoMod players. The transition from NoMod to Hard Rock and Double Time back then was pretty difficult so I madę a guide to help out with that. However, now with NoMod PP maps there isn't really such a need to learn these mods at such an early stage.

I wrote this map list/guide based on my experience with learning Hard Rock and Double Time during the second half of 2014. If you have any questions. feel tree to drop them at my


This guide is morę focused on netting you actual pp gains and to develop a skillset suitable to get pp from playing Hard Rock/Double Time. If you want to learn Hard Rock and Double Time so that you can pass incredibly difficult maps with just raw aim. speed and reaction times, this guide is not for you. I’m not telling others how to play the gamę but rather this is an attempt to give morę of a direction to people who want to start farming using these mods but are unsure of when/how they should start out.

If you decided to take this course, you should first aim to FC the maps I have listed, then improve your accuracy on them. Focusing on hitting all notes accurately will teach you how to get morę accurate at higher ODs. Playing different maps using the mod you want to learn will enable you to read/aim AR8 +DT/AR10 better. Do not be afraid to memorise’ a map especially where triples/streams are concerned in order to get good accuracy by anticipating those triples/streams, because it is pretty much impossible for a player new to Hard Rock/Double Time to get good accuracy on sight reads unless you are extremely talented. Morę importantly, it will still develop your sense of anticipation on triples/streams which are crucial for getting good accuracy in the futurę.

Also. please take notę that by no means are you restricted to just playing these few maps that I have listed over and over again until you FC it. These maps are just a checklist for you to determine how you are progressing, not a guide you must strictly follow. Always experiment with other maps around the same level and discover your own maps to play.

Also. please do not expect to see improvement within a few days of following this guide/playing those maps with Hard Rock/Double Time. It took me nearly half a year before I could become comfortable with playing Hard Rock and Double Time and sight read it well enough to get decent accuracy even on my first try.


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