Socto-Economlc Problcms and thc State homo p.i*r http jyjCpU.UltUxUu.UJ
li*UX (2CIIH łna^MMWuMifnahWaimdKltainillaM
<* wW Ujm iwn—» r«iniai«ii jnUar < *r»Wi» {Imiinaw
ma*— —a a- u—ji—»— >«uj mu — t n>2i4-ut UW / /w»U -V—**"/Ww—r*mjf W.' IM— *11
Harluu Su|da
Aeedrotf ef V» u Sjrmw M Ortu Jw*«a i. 7* W bom *4W
Art kle hiuory
IUwlvwJ Apni.2018 la RrrMon Apr.1.2018 Anaplnl May. 201B
Abmact A bauua, onatynng itr iMui of tulone orthitesturul oAfncK. slotn TNr o/ h*o» te I Ac tnitA and
(A# mormhty of arthlterturr. te rAc moil dtffkutt'’ It te inlrmllnfl (o w* fA* dependenrt brtmrtn the farmer funttton ef the obfeet and |Aa present or futurę Hale ll may be noled thot in rrgard to sacred huttding*. H seemt ImpottaiH to reipeet «Atu porttarlar tromeradrnt
|tL ilmufkallon
The porodtgm of UKTtd orrhltrcture atntram from the typie alty nrtliitd needs ef the tnhebttanti ofeitin and rtheges. Fotth ntiti not anty m \talu nuu rnJi but te tonfumed by tentunn<Jd tnidttton The socred spose te not nflueattd by timr. remindtng oboet • c ot the tome tśme It urmt thot tempłes nlrt outstde the ailturr of tune and spocę. obhgolory betongmg to ctrdnation ot being rrmourd from ll
fóref Tischner notes that deiocralrtadon einU betonie M te the otber ude. the reten* of the uKfuhutOori1 tf a mon hai on oetrwhebning desrre to socrahlt eeerything he meeti and surnmnds hirnsuitf beeaute be ferii tprrlot the naturat (snute of thingi te the rtuerte peocets thot bolancei the tendeney to rroth the good In the uorld ef good and ent / Tnthner. as a pnesl rrcognuei desu* rohrat ton, doet net refett H, but treots tt as a protest ef reothtng the wir Ile notes thot m order to kitów God. one muit fint knote himsetf ■ a mon who te the refketron ofGod He wnuś. 'The procesi of desumfkatlon te a monreiOUI protest I see In U ebove ehe path of man to Ate oh* kmehnest The mon mnt f Ina Itr ftel the npenmee of bnmj alone He most take mponsrtrbty for htmserlf He
SuyU M TianfJMm W «m i «i if«i In Mii a* < nuli ul tnankian ul wtul ot|MU [IwTyowiinJ pnypcl / Himu suęU // C—uu>—■ i npc 2011 - (a* 1(1*) - C 214-227
htt|» //wp«l Ua««<łu iu.r.-iw(n/uww</jall/;nill/IIWii
• ICC *V|44
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