Constructed wetland systems for aerial runoff treatment in the Gulf
of Gdańsk region
Hanna Obarska-Pempkowiak, Magdalena Gajewska, Ewa Wojciechowska, Marzena Stosik Department of Water and Waste-Water Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology
When accessing EU, Poland agreed to improve the condition of surface waters. To accomplish tltis goal, The National Strateg)' of Environmental Protection was established, where the 80% reduction of pollutants loads discharged to the Baltic Sea by 2020 is planned. Fulfilling the demands of the EU Directives requires the ehange of Polish regulations concerning cnvironmcntal and water management (Królikowska and Królikowski, 2009).
The pollutcd rainwater crcatcs potential threat to the cnvironmcnt. The rapid growth of water flow in the rcccivcr is cspccially hazardous for smali streams due to ąuickly changing load of pollutants. During intcnsivc rainfall the pollutants arc flushcd from the drained arca. The highest load of pollutants is
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