It tł MTUIMT-NOUnm toga cl*M *1 thc MlnneapolU .Midtown YWCA. A di-irrw group of peactitłonert astanbła, v*rying in ago. gcnder*. clattcł. rten. wauałitio. and nalionalittei, *11 galhcrcd lo practice an hour of mindfut yoga. In Pali (thc language of thc Iłoddha). ’)»ga* rrcant "to join" oc "to unitę." and iw practicc i nvolm joining attcntion to morementi tnvolving thc body. thc bccath. thc mlnd. and thc larger inicrcumectednot of uli bcingx Wc bcgln wlth win łukitalkin and end in a pOfMiOfl famlllar to thote who havc »ccn thc moM com-mon dcplctioiu of thc Buddha. scatcd in yogk medilation. łointng body ccołogy w>th łpiril ecology, wc bring our attcntion to thc brcath. a llow of muter that h cwhanged among our many bodtcv In lhi» enckitcd roocn, and bcyond Ihb room a> Mdl. Brcath ił one of tlić nuny *dom* that illustratc our intcrbcing and in-vite ut to cmhark on a tournry of rmndfulncw whcrcin thc llluuon of a wparatc łclf ił reocalcd.
The aocient Boddhitt conccptł ot' impermaacncc Ifinkca), no-łdf (a»nifM), and dependent origination (puricrii&i»iuppadii)cchoconcef<u*l formationłot thc ncw matenahunł and materiał ceocrilkitm Ccrtalnly. thctc pcopeetitct harc ditfcrent appealt for dilfercnt audienccv Boddhum i» not frrighted with thc hcavy tcbolarly dncourw of thc ncw materialiłmi. thoogh it otfcrł umilar conecptual toolł. Thotc łefci intemted in iptntuality can łttll accm thc concept of no-łdf through Siacy AlaimoTdcfimtionof"tran*-corporc*lKy"and Karen Raradtea-pk>taljonłoPintr*actionł"ołThchumanandthenonhumin; Buddhiwnłdcpcn-dent ongination U alio artkulatcd Ihrough Nancy luan a't caploration of"vfacot» pocoiity." Andrew Patkcring* dclinltloo of thc "manglc." and thc ncw materialni focuton entangkmenliof mallcr and nicaning. Likc ncw materiałami. Bod-dhitm can alłobc wen ai łlmpty a philotophy- it hat been ealled a "nonthcitttc* rrłigion. in fact. bccauw itt cmphaui it on thc practlUoner watchlng thc mind and practicing thc precept* rather than praying to a deity.' Materiał ococriUdsm hat bolh phrlotophkal and ipiritual rełonancct at wcil. sińce many contcmpo-rary ccotpirttualitic* tcc thtt materiał worid ai imboed with life fnecc. orn an