updatcs: 1/2,06:6.6. “8
1. An assemblcT comcrts sounrcsrodc program* from a**cmbh Linguagc inlo machinę language. A linkcr combmcs mdividual filcscfcatcd by an 3s*cmblcr into* single exccutable program
2. Asscmbly language i* a good tool for leoming how jpplscation programs communicatc wilh tbc eooipulcr s opcraling system. vu intomipl handler*. p ileni calb. and common niemory are». Axscmhlv language pnsgramming also hclps when leaming bow tbc openiting system loads and cxc-cutes applicalnm programu
3. In a we-to-many rcłationship* a single stntcment exp»mis into mulnplc assembly language or machinę instnictions.
A A language whosc sourccprogram* c*n bc compiled and run on a widc var»ci> of Computer system* arc said lo hc porraNf.
5. No. Each assembly language b bascd on eilbcr a proccssor liimily or speciftc eumpuler
6. Sonic cxnmplcsof embedded Systems applicalions nrc automobile biel and ignition systemy air-conditiooing control system*. seeunty system*. flmht control system*. łund-held Computer*, modem s, printcrSv and other imclligent Computer pcriphcralc
7. Dnicc driyen arc prourams that translatc generał openiting system commands into spccific refer-cnccs to hardware dctaiU that only the mamifacturcr would know.
S. doc* noc allow a pointer of one type to bc assagned to a pointer of another type Assembly Un-guage has no śuch rcsUiclion rcganling potnier*.
9. Applications suited to asscmbly language Hardwaredcvicc dmer, nndembedded synem* and Computer games rvquiring dircct hardware acoess.
10. A high-lcvcl Unguigc may noc pcwidc for dircct hardware accc** Even if it docs. awkward coding technicjucs must oflcn bc used. rcsulting in possihlc maintcnancc problem*.
11. .Assembly language bas mimmal fontu! struciure. so stmeture musi bc imposed by pcogrammera who hsrc varying lcvcls of cspcricncc. This leuds to difticultic* mainuinmg cxisting codę.
12. Codę for the express«on: X - (Y * 4> t 3:
mov eax,Y n»v cbx,4 imul ebx add «-ax. 2
; movo Y CO BAX ; movc 4 CO EBX ; EAX - EAX * EBX ; add 3 to £AX
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