Evidence implies that the virus has remained under control as lockdown measures have eased. A lower infection ratę and higher testing capacity enables contact tracing to support the process


III| Public policies

Restrictions and supplementary measures to control the virus

Have governments retained control of the virus as lockdown has eased?

What approaches have different countries adopted to enable contact tracing?

Further detail page 12

Further detail page 13

The EU5 countries have continued to gradually ease lockdown measures to allow social and economic activity to return to normal while maintaining control of the virus. At present there remains variation in how the different nations are approaching this

To datę, although estimates of R have increased, they have remained below 1.0 for all EU5 nations, and there has been no observed rapid increase in cases, indicating cautious optimism that the virus has remained under control

Countries such as the U.K., that did not initially implement widespread testing, have now developed similar capabilities to pioneers such as South Korea and Germany, allowing them to deploy testing morę widely to support virus control measures

Further detail page 14

Further detail page 15

Having both higher testing capacity and a lower volume of infections has madę contract tracing feasible in the EU5. The South Korean experience indicates that a combination of tracing individuals and widespread testing of outbreak clusters is highly effective

All EU5 nations have now begun formal contact tracing programmes, though these are at different levels of scalę and maturity

Further detail page 16

Further detail page 17

Digital technologies have become a key enabler of effective contact tracing, although there is no common approach being adopted. Disagreements about the most effective technologies and their impact on civil liberties continue

11 O 2020 L E K. Consulting LLC


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