Skilled job |
Uuskillecl job | |
Małe |
1.321 |
1.126 |
National i ty - Ukrainę (reference group) Vietnam |
0.931 |
0.059*** |
Russia |
2.991*** |
0.776 |
Moldova |
1.487 |
0.846 |
Ex-Yugoslavia |
1.870* |
0.517** |
Age (m years) |
1.028** |
1.003 |
Nuclearfamily not in the Czech Republic (reference group) Nuclear family members in the Czech Republic |
1.972** |
0.884 |
Single |
1.698 |
1.096 |
Language skills - Poor skills (reference group) Reasonable language skills |
0.969 |
0.567* |
Very good language skills |
0.739 |
0.715 |
Educational level - basie (reference group) Secondary education without diploma |
0.933 |
0.566** |
Secondary education with diploma |
2.883** |
0.383*** |
Tertiary education |
24.41*** |
0.398** |
Permanent residence perrnit |
2.164*** |
0.545** |
Employee |
0.264*** |
0.863 |
Length of stay in the Czech Republic (months) |
1.045** |
0.979 |
Log likeliliood |
-647.775 | |
Df |
34 | |
1525.756 | |
1363.549 | |
Nagelkerke R2 |
0.513 | |
Models companson Likeliliood-ratio (Assumption: nested models) test probe > clii' |
0.000 |