Occupadon |
Number of applications |
% |
Occupation |
Number of applicadons |
% | ||
81 |
Process. plan: and machinę operatives |
58371 |
30.1 |
811 |
Process operadves |
37,767 |
29.7 |
92 |
Elementary administration and ser- |
23.918 |
18.8 |
922 |
Elementary personal senices |
15,759 |
12.4 |
vice occupadcns |
occupadons | ||||||
91 |
Elementary trades. plant and storage |
20.933 |
16.4 |
911 |
Eiementary agricultural occupa- |
9.369 |
7.4 |
relate occupaticns |
tions | ||||||
71 |
Sales occupadcns |
13,221 |
10.4 |
712 |
Sales related occupadons |
8.895 |
7.0 |
82 |
Transport and mobile machinę drivers |
5,177 |
4.1 |
913 |
Elementary process plant occupa- |
7,752 |
6.1 |
and operadves |
tions | ||||||
61 |
Canng perconal sendce occupadons |
5.165 |
4.1 |
923 |
Elementary cleanmg occupations |
7,599 |
6.0 |
00 |
Total |
127.325 |
100.0 |
00 |
Total |
127,325 |
100.0 |
2010 | |||||||
Ocaipadon |
Number of applications |
% |
Occupation |
Number of apphcadons |
% | ||
81 |
Process, plan* and machinę operatives |
19.602 |
36.6 |
811 |
Process operadves |
19.505 |
36.4 |
92 |
Elementary admuiistration and sendce cccupations |
9.530 |
17.8 |
712 |
Sales related occupadons |
5.413 |
10.1 |
71 |
Sales occupadons |
7.380 |
13.8 |
922 |
Elementary personal sendces cccupations |
5260 |
9.8 |
91 |
Elementar}- trades. plant and storage relate occupadcns |
7.182 |
13.4 |
923 |
Elementary cleanmg occupations |
4.161 |
7.8 |
62 |
Leisure and cther personal sendce |
2.053 |
3.8 |
911 |
Elementary agricultural cccupa- |
3,595 |
6.7 |
cccupations |
tions | ||||||
54 |
Texdles. pmitmg and otber skilled |
1,586 |
3.0 |
913 |
Elementar}- process plant occupa- |
2,728 |
5.1 |
trades |
tions | ||||||
00 |
Total |
53,536 |
100.0 |
00 |
Total |
53,536 |
100.0 |