Otcctionj: Bach of (lic nunibercd ilcms or Incomplclc sinlcmcnls in Uiis scciion is followcd by answcrs or by coniplcdons of Oe siatcmcni. Sdect Uie ONE Ictlercd answcr or complction ihal is BEST in cacł^ase (queslions I - 32).
id kale a correct combirudon drug-its adverxc cfTcci:
y irmilin-hypogłycemia (B) dccuncdusone-hypcrglycciuia (C) glipizide-łiypoglyccmia (Q) A AD |J£bll ffccts oC bonnones indode all of liie following EXCEPT:
(A) insulin incrcascs glucosc transport into cdls insulin inhibils lipoprotcin lipasc (C) glucocorticosicroids luve *pcrmissivc“ eflecl on lipolysis (D) glucocorticosicroids dccrease muscle mass a ud cause weakness (E) glucocorticosicroids inltibil synlhcsis of proslaglandins peplide U ul causcs incrcascd capillaiy penueability and edenu is:
(A) angiotensin II ^g^bradylcinin (C) caplopril (D) histaminę (E) losartan ' 4. The best drug for disUaguishing beiwccn myastltcnic crisis (insufTidcni therapy) and dtolincrgic crisis (excessivc Uterapy) is: (A) atropinę (B) eclioduopale j^Jcdrophoniuin (D) pltysosdgminc (E) pralidoxiine
5. Typical symptoms of diolincsterase Inhibitor toxici(y indudc all of liie following EXCEPT:
^ (A) nausca. yomiiing. diarrhca (B) uliva(ion. swcating (C) mydriasis (D) pnralysis of skclcul musclcs ^ paralysis of acconunodation
6. Wliidi of tltc following dmgs nuy inerease tltc risk of blccding if givcn during warfarin literapy.
(A) aspirin (B) hepańa (C) vitamin K (^AAD (E) all
7. If lite pląs ma conccnlradoa of a dnig dcclines willi Jirst order kinctics", tlus mcans (Jut:
(A) there is only one melabolic palli for drug disposiiion (B) lite lulf Ufc is lite same regardless of lite plasina conccnlra-lion (Q lite drug is largely metabolised in Ute liver (D) Ute ratę of elimination is proportioiute lo Ute ratę of adminis-iralion at all limes (E) tbe drug is mx disihbuted oulsidc Ute vascular,system
I. Bioavai)ability of a drug administered by olher route of adnunislration Uun iv, is gcnerally rcduced by:
(A) incomplclc absorplioa (B) Iwa pass otelabolfsm{ (Q any distribudon into olher dssues Utai occurs before Uie drug enters Ute systemie dreuladon K® AAB (E) all
9 In vasospasdc-angina •« use:
(A) verapamii (3) nitroglyceńn (Q prapranolol AAB (E) all
10. Postural hypolcnsion is a rccognised adverse efTccl of Ute following typcs of drngs EXCEPT:
(A) ycnodilators (B) ACH inhibitora (C) a adrcncrgic receptor blockcrs adrencrgic receptor blockcrs
(E) powcrful diuredes
II. Tlić andanginal effccl of propranolol may be attributed to Ute following EXCEPT:
(A) błock of cccrdsc-induccd Uchycardia (B) rcduced resting Itcart ralc (C) dccrcascd cardiac forcc (0j)incrcascd end-diastolic vcnlricular yoluine (E) dccrcascd sysiolic fi ber (ension
Histaminę receptor blocSccra arc not uscd in:
(A) modon sickncss (B) hay fevcr (C) słomach
ulŁr^^^^tUuna I of Ute fonowine rccci
13. As a group. andpsychouc drugs nuy internet wilh all of Ute t^wing receptora ĘXCEPT: j_
(A) Di (B) Dj (O a adrcncrgic adrcncrgic (E) cltolinergic
|4. Rapid onset of antidepressire aedon, i.e. aAcr 2 or 3 days of regułar ticauncnt, sltows:
(A) (ricyclic anddepressants (B) MAO inhibitora (Q sclccdve 5-KT iiplake inhibitora (D) AAB jjg^one ■
* 15. Wiiich of Ute following advcrsc reaedons may be assodated willi tctracydinc Uterapy during prcgnancy lo eilhcr Ute felus or ihc mothcr7:
(A) inliibition of long bonc growth in Ute dcveloping felus (B) gaslroinlesdnaJ irriladon to Ute molher (C) dcnUl cnamct Uypoplasia in ihe devcloping (cciii (D) hcpntoxicity in prcgnanl women
Baclcricidal aclion alllicrapcu(icj^»^^ićrval aAer:
^)penicilliiu (B) sulfonantfdcs (C) tciracyclines (D) A&B (E) nouc
17. A 45-ycar woinan devclops diarrhen postopcralivcly while bcing trcaicd willi clindnmycin. Whicli is/arc Ute approprialc rcsponscs7
(A) Kop clindainycin (B) order slool spccimcn lo look for cvidcncc of Closiridiuiu dUTicilc ioxin (Q begin Uterapy
with o rai vancomycin if colon endoscopy shows cvidcncc of pscudomeinbranous colitis (D) hiuncdiately nart llicrapy
with orał nystatin JcBAC
18. Nephrotojcidty and/or eigltUt nerve loxiciiy nuy resull froin injcction of:
(A) strtplontycin (B) nclilinycin (Q gcntamycin (D) lobramycin ^all ;'^)
19. Tltc "grcy baby* lyndroittc is an advcrse reaclion of:
(A) (ctracyclincs (B) streptomydn C) pcnicilliits (fSpchloraittphcmcol (E) itucrolidcs
&9 . To treat ulceratiye colitis we use:
(A) meloclopramide (B) sucralfale (^^Ifaulaziitc (D) lopcramidc (E) aitio.\icilliu . ^^Vlticli of Ihe following arc uscd in lite ircaimęii^^^aj^iilcg^di^ąig^:
(A) aniacids ^3^)a combinalioit of microbi.il Uterapy and onteprazol if Helicobaclcr pylori iiifcclion is con/irincd ^G)Mt anlagonisis jjł) Ha blockcrs ^gjall ‘ --22. Lidocaine, as a local anesthetie drug Itas Ute following properties EXCEPT:
(A) ntpid onsel of actiyity ^^"Sjjan cslcr linkagc in ils Chemical siruclurc (Q mclnbolism in Ute livcr (D) widc rangę of Application (E) epincpltrinc is no( always requircd whcit lidocaine is adittinisiercd 0 23. Advcrsc eflects aAer taking ntorpltine are: •
(A) respiratory depression (dosc- dependent) (B) nllcrgic rcactioits (C) coiistipaiion (D) pinpoint pupils ^E)\ll 24. Wltich of Ute following drugs is not bcncficial or evcn harmful in patients willi CHF:
H(A) enalapril *(B) milrinon ■+(£) digoxin J(D) losartan j^bisoprolol 23. Wliich statement, regarding Ute basie principles of phannacocconomics. is false7
(A) cost-minimiialion analysis does not focus on costs of Ireatment alone. but also on ąuality of ltfc “ftB) cost-c£Tcctiv-ness analysis compares drugs and programs wltich havc a co nut ton ltcalih outeome (cg life ycars savcd) (Q cost-utility analysis is used wlten no single outeome of inlerest of costs and benefils of medical intcrvenlion cxisls (D) cosl-bcitcftl analysis compares all lite costs and conscqucnccs of medical intervcntions in ntonctary tenus (E) cost ininiinisation analysis is performed only wlten licalth efTects of Iwo methods arc known to bc cqual 26. One of Ute following sialenicnts, conccming antincoplaslic drugs. is falsc. Wltich one is U?
(A) cisplatin belongs lo lite group of "alkylaling agents" (B) doxorubicine is anlhracydinc amibiotic Uul inltibiis tltc synUtesis of RN A and DNA MC£>acJitaxcl and dcccta.Ncl, plant alkaloids uscd in ireatinenl of brcast and oyarian cancers. arc givcn o rally -f-(D) (lulamidc is an androgen receptor antagonisl uscd in prosta lic carcinouu |"(E) anastroiolc is an inltibitor of arotnalase used in ireatment of brcast canccr ^Tachycardia nuy occur aAer ireatment wiUi Uie following drugs EXCEPT:
^ (A) aminopliyllirtc ^^flucoiuzolc ■» (Q formołcrol +(D) icrbutaline (Ej tiotropiuin
2S. Selcct onc(FALSJp staleinent about anli - H1V drugs or ireatment of HIV infcclion: m
—L(A) zidovudinc is nuclcosidc rcversc transcriptase inhibitor -{-(B) nctfinavir is protease inltibitor "^(C)łiiierfcron is used in i ■[:/
Ute ireatment of H1V infcclion (D) Highly Active AntiretroviraI Tltcrapy (HAART) involvcs Ute usc of drugs with
diflerent inccltanistn of action (E) REMUNE is imniuiie - bascd Uterapy wltich is used in ireatinenl of pcoptc wito arc already infccted with Ute HIV
29. What would be your cltoicc if you had to treat tubcrculosis in a palient with impaired livor funciion7 [A)ptlunibu(ol (0) rifampicin (Q isoniaiid (^) none (E) all