



Dircctious: Eacli of (lic luinibcred ilcuis or incoinplete stutemcnts iii i.liis seel/on is followed by answcrs or by coniplelions of llie

slatfincnl. Sclccl (lic ONI1'. Icllcrcd nnswer or complction liiat is BEST in eaoii case.

fl! • 'The conscqucnce/s ordrug elimiiintion whicli sliow/s non-expotential ”snturalion”(zero order) kinetics is/arc:

A) (lic ilura(ion of ącliun is slrougly dependent on (lic dosc f£0)ilie ilrug isreinoved at a constant ratę (liat iundependent of plasma ciiuccnlratioii C) according to (his kinelics^thanol, pli cny toin and suljgjdate are climinatcd D) A&C <12. Alropinc likc efTccts inclnde'    " 1    ^

dry moutli, constipatioitfJS) mydriasis, urinary retcntion C) dcci case in łieart contractility andvasodilationfTl) A&B E) A&B&C <13. Whicli slalcmeut about antidepressants is/arc false?

/^tricyclics aro less sclcctivc (lian SSRIs mianserine andmirtazi-pineareantagonists ofaIpha-2 receptors in the ens

SSlUs liave acliicYcd widespread usc bccausc of llieir high eQec(iv.uiess ii/alncinds of depression newer MAO inhibitors inhibit (hc isofonn A in a revcrsiblc nianner flSfiB&D ;    ' J

■ 44. Inlialation ahaćslhdtjcs:    1 _

may cause cardiovajciilar depression /®With Iow blood-gas partition coefBcients produce sia D) A&B ©jA&B&C cd as antiinflammatory cmigs?

B) diclophenac C) i eiecoxib D) B&C . E)A&B&C

l^nacti vc at neutrai pl-l

can generale loxic melaboliles j>JSgpid induction and rccoYery 6f ani esthesia mr. Whicli oftheNSAJD are inainly u;

(\f ■& (£) aspirin 1    ^ PPls^

A) inuibit irrcvcrsibly (hc H+/K+-1 TPasc H^avc long Tjj E) A&B&C

' 'hc false statement about doxycyolinc and minocycline is (hat they ar::


B) a!


CTSTweak bases, they accumulate in the acid environment „

uicy uccumuiaie in mc aciu cnvironment

A) widely distrihuted throughout tl{e body    aimost complctely ab* orbed from the GI tract / C) Łlmost caĄletely excreted by the

kidney D) binding to (lic 30S baiiterial ribosomc .0) long acting.Ooi '6-18 hours)    S--*'

roduced by: *

e trący cl inc    Ol erythromyci i all    _

ktdncy li) binaing to mc jud oacienai er    lcpatotoxicily as a sidc effect may ibe prc

rifainginę |ł) ketokonazolc j CVlel

n-l antagoniśts are uscd as sole therapy in the case of:

> A) broncliial asdnna B) systemie anaphyiaxis . angiocdcrna CDJurticaria £) all



30 Imlicatc whicli sidc efTccts of ACE inhibitors sliould be expecled during chronical use of these drugs p /Śf^dccreased serdmK71cvel B)‘ inereased serum glucosc levcl C) incrcased serum cholesterol Icvel D) inereased sauin K+ and crralinlnc levds E) B&C are conect    ,

51. lnhibitioii of potassiuin oulward repolarizing current is the main mechniism of action of antiarrhythmic drug :

A) procainamide B) dolctilidc C) Yerapamiij D) flecainide E) lidocaine ■ Slow infusion of NE at ratę lOpg/min will:

A) incrcase pulsc ratc 13) dccreasc diastolic pressure C) inerease p:ripiieral resistance D) decrcase pulsc ratę fi. 1‘rcRiiaii^.women willi liypeitensinn sliould not bc treated wijh:

C AtiiiallJlWopa B) hydralnzfne losartwi U) A«h are correct E) B&C are correct

SAniidiabclic drugs whicli docs not induceseverehypoglycęrn]ais/are:___    _ .

Al inetforinin BI acarbose . C) glyburide D) repaglinide ^ A& B

E) C&D are correct

C / E *|5ŚA.) inetforinin B) acarbose Tliyroxiiie (T4):

docs not rcncli tiuclcus receptors B) hns short half-lifc, about 21i 'S^can not bc given orally .D) is produced by co


El A&D arc correct

Atleution! Awncialc the Ihcrapcutic in^r*‘ions with the most proper opio.d drue: /    , i_^_VńAAM)At1

...... ^    Clg^Mt^foi^id J&stfjj

56. Diarrhca. (pj A) imltrexonc

57. Cough.(^ U) dcxlromethorphan

C) pcnlazoęhie u) ioperam.de E) nonc






AUenlioul Asiuculc Ilu; ucii^^mnlnijeceptor with the proper drug;

Aniagonislof 5HT-3 rn-epiors.^    AjitagpnistoFDAjecc

A) sinnatriptnn B) ergotaminę C) mSocloprarimle11' ^jonSisćtron E) cyprolieptadine

5 11 T./0 fikani**    bitclun?

ganiał estrogen receptors ngonist/antagonist (SERM). ^    Blocker of androgen receptor. 6

A) anastruzolc B) flutamidc C)ialoxifene D) finasteride E) dinazol h,eus* atneer    Td. mh-

Attenlion! Associnie tlić action on the hneteria willi thunost proper chento Jicrapcutic (antibiotic, synthetie):

lt-ritlil, ,;,iil' sffcl 1 III'......bw g    ^pSącleriocidal effec. on agrol

Ji) mcUouidazolc B) jclindninycin* 'O gciuai^UTT^ D) A&B E) nonę *

Aitentiuii! Assucialc Ilic lliciapcutic indicaiions willi llie musi proper bela t locker(sj3_

<> \ Uuugestivc igajt l.idmc. _i:.,    bk llypcitension. GI, 1*U> t»- 67. ilypeilhyroidism. <*v

A) pmpniuulol U) bisoprolol C) alenolul U) esnioloi E) uli

Attcniimi! Associatc llie nicchanistp uf action with llie appropriate drug uscd in ircalment of coronary hcari disea fe. 68. NO donor.    asc:

'*69. Calriuin diaiinel bkickuig Uiu^.

S 70. Mctabolic modulMur.

A) an ilfot idc B^isosoi bidę inoiionitraie    c)fiopidog(cl

\C*    ^    Tłifctks

d.ureHic    KVf(v c.

''D.^diltia: citi^E) ^Bnctazidine


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