ED finał term test 2006/spring ^ 5T“---1
Directioits: Each of the nlimbeieil iłems or incomplete statements in thTś section is followed by answers or by completlons of tlić ]en1ent. Select the ONE lettered answer or completfon that is BEST in eacn case.
nacro.bes, boUt Gram* and Oram- a-c stiscgptiMe tg:
(A) clitidaniyciii (B) metromdazole TJSJ geniamycm ;CD> A&B \M) all drugs ^pf jLohg actilig Oj agotiist used to treat asthma is:
(A) atalnophyline (B) pranlukast @ formoterol (D) tiotropitim (E) salbutamol|
1 Pho«rł»rict.y cierne fnllnwinn nt^le rwerdnse nf gpinids include: ®
& (A) ^inh^jg^ipils-.. (B)oJgg££ssedjegg^tiQn (C^orga (D) A&B of the mentioned —
4. The phatmacologic effects of morphine include all EXCEPT:
^ (A) b/jwvjondchanges (f^jrjmgis (C) respiratory depression i^diarrhea (E) posturach yppt^ncinn
—^j^WhicIf orthe iollowillg dflies is a cholinergic receptor antagonifl?,___.
(A) isoethariile (B) crotnolyn sodium (u) epFedmie (^^jpratropium, (E) salmeterol ^^Which of the followlng agents is adenosine antagonist? i P £a) theophylline (B) glucocorticoids (C) cromolyn sodium (D) propranolol (E) terbutaline 7. Indicate theJ^e statement regatding propofol as ail anesthetic! jkjD££tO'tfr~'
does not coirelate with duration of central nervoUs system depression /f[gjit p^Wdes adeguate skeletal mUscle reTaxation *1 it may produce a decline in blood pressure is a safe altemative for patients predisposed to -
maliguant hyperthermia high lipophilicity provides rapid anisjnoothpnsat, and rapid recovery from anesthesia
I For sterilization of of itutrumehts we may use: /O^M ?5|P^ ^
(A) glutaraldehyde ^Bj)ethylene oxide (C) chloraexidrae (D) ethanol (E^&B_
WhLclióftheJollowiiyi^class of antiinicrobial agents is classifiea as being bacteriostatic? 7
_etraęvc|ines‘.i łjg) aminoglycosides(Sfj penicillins (0^ fluoroąuinolones • (Bfcephalosporins,«
JM £t^j223!ŁBaBi&f,a in ł^c dęyslapine^eth and inhfljijtjnn of lnnt> hnnr. grnwth are the adverse effects of:
•. (A^zitnromycm^(B) gentamycin ^Jminocvcline4 (D) polymyxin B (E) chloramphenicol 4-eW^Ł-ypbMjj g 11. Which organ should be monitored for adverse efects during jJJjflgjjjjłJjjLtteatment?
(A) bonę mano w CfiT^yes (C) kidneys (D) llver (EJblood Orał penicillins inclucleall of the following EXCEPT:
l. (A) penicillin V (B) amoxyciliin (G^icarciBin #(D) oxacillin (E) amoicillin Dli eclions: In this section decide if the following statements about drugs’ action are TRUE or FAI SE
^13. Buspirone is effective in controlling panick aftacks.fCO~ 6A D
Cough supression eon elates witli the analgesic actions of opioids. rCdufrin Jitf prtsJbr)'- ft
T^Nonnucleoside reyerse tiailscrintase inliibitors (like neyirapinel can nreyftft mother to newhorn ttansmission of HTV infrr»;»„
*** aah nrlmmtplorarl łn iimoł iUn rinnat of Inkot*
iNystatin is nsed orally to treat fungal infeclions of gastrointestinal tract. .
idetEonidaźo 1 e-ki 11 s the c^^and trophozoites of E. histolytica kakJIggwotw
■*^iPviantelgeversibLaihihKeiitomuscular transmission bv acting like^ĄBAiw *V>ifWtii fłClT*
[j^Iydrogen peroxide, as 3% solution, Is a very effectiye antiseptic, when used on wounds.^T" jj>^>IUOHX
Tire best way to prevent superinfection is to use an agent with a wide chemiotherapeutic spectrum.
W. Sucralfate acts by binding to neclotic uleer tissue and it is active only in acidic pH. nnflfhl fd
hindinP tu thc-iafl si^hunit and thev we nnorlu ah^rfpt fmm tk gastiumiesUiia] P Lidocalne, as nCi»afttts>melaboHzed by IjIuiju CStETSSes. l/\J 1'
Metoclopratnide may induce extrapyraniidal -like side effects.
Dlrectlons: For each numbered iłem, select the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with ił a .■
be selected once, morę than once, or not at all. • rc^ °Pbon may
(A) moclobemidc (B) chlotpromazine (C) venlafaxine (D) olanzapine (E) fluvoxamine (F) amitriptyline (G) ciozapine
^ 26. Atypical neuroleptic that produces as an adyersc eflect agr&nutocytóśis. ^
& 27. Selećtive SE leuptake inhibitor, it produces gasfrointcstinnl symptoms, decreased libido.;#/^"
F 28. Tricyclic antidepressant, extrcinely dangerous when taken in oyerdose ąuantities.
Directions: Foi each numbered iłem, select the ONE lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each lettered be selected once, morę than once, or not at all.
(A) thiopentał (B) propofol (C) buprcnorphinc (D) pentazocine (E) fentanyl (F) morphine (G) ketamine
fc iMt _ _ OyiłA •
*-”"29. Intray.ęnous anesthetic agent with anticonyulsant actiyif^A^
option may
' C 30. Opioid analgesic drug, adminislered subligually and by intrathecal injection (£