I am proud of living in Wrocław
the city is well managed
it is good that tourists come to Wrocław
Wrocław is an attractive place to run a company
Wrocław is developing
tourists help increasethe city income
tourists allow many residents to earn money
Wrocław should not promote itself anymore
the city is a good place to live
tourism drives the city economy
Wrocławhas a unique atmosphere
tourists are welcome in the city
some city areas are revitalized by tourism
the arrangement ofthe city space istoo much subjected to tourists' needs theOldTown (centre)is being depopulated
the city should conductcampaigns addressed to tourists forcultural behaviour
Ifeel co-responsiblefor Wrocław
thanks to tourists, I run a company in the city
Wrocławshould promote itself morę intensively • otherexperts
■ keyexperts